What is Lucky Girl Syndrome?

What is Lucky Girl Syndrome?
Photo by Amy Reed on Unsplash

If you’ve been on TikTok , you may have seen some videos floating around about Lucky Girl Syndrome, or more specifically, how thinking you’re a Lucky Girl can turn you into one. I first heard about this from a TikTok video where two girls were sitting in a car, eating noodles, and answering the question of what is Lucky Girl Syndrome.

The actual title of that video is “How we changed our life with lucky girl syndrome.” These two first heard about it from someone else on TikTok a few months ago, and unfortunately, I can’t find the link to that video. However, the noodle-eating video by Skzzolno explains how they decided to try telling themselves how lucky they were as an experiment to see if it worked. And, surprisingly, it did. You can watch their entire video here.

This video has since blown up, with multiple other creators sharing their own Lucky Girl Syndrome secrets, revelations, affirmations, and more.

Pronoia or the Opposite of Paranoia

Surprisingly, there’s a word for Lucky Girl Syndrome, as explained by another TikTok creator in this video. And that word is pronoia.

Carlypearlmusic, the creator shares via song that pronoia is the opposite of paranoia. She explains more about it, specifically saying it’s “The belief that the world conspires in your favor.” As I mentioned, she does all this by explaining through song as she’s a musician.

Other videos I’ve found helpful about Lucky Girl Syndrome or becoming a Lucky Girl include this one where the creator repeats affirmations or words of declaration that get her into that Lucky Girl vibe.

This video by Meganguilbeax also explains how this mindset is already working for her.

As one commenter said in the original video, the Lucky Girl Syndrome works because of the Law of Assumption.

Other commenters were saying the Bible references this idea as well. User Lgptpy comments further on the noodle video by saying, “don’t worry, your needs will be met.”

Photo by Karina Vorozheeva on Unsplash

Tips for Becoming a Lucky Girl

So, how can you become a Lucky Girl or guy or person?

Here are a few tips.

First, this TikTok video by the creator and Brain Training Specialist Emilieleyes.hypnosis says to “set an intention to notice the moments where things do go your way, even if it’s the smallest thing.” So, every time something goes your way, you affirm this aloud. Noticing and vocalizing this can help you rewire your brain to believe that things actually do go your way. You’ll then begin looking for more experiences like this. In turn, you’ll be more aware of when these positive occurrences are happening. Kind of like if you’re shopping for a gold Subaru outback, you start to see more of them on the road. Noticing these positive experiences can help your brain pick out more like these to help you towards reaching your goals.

You are essentially creating the mindset of luck. You have to believe that you are lucky, that good things happen to you. Even if they don’t seem good at the time, it’s believing everything will work out in the end.

These actions and ways of thinking are similar to many mindset theories and work I’ve explored, including Abraham Hicks, whom I studied during my intense 2022 healing girl era.

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Like I already said, to further instill the belief that you are a Lucky Girl, say it. Make some affirmations like some of the above videos do. The easiest way is to write down what you want to believe and read it aloud.

Here are a few you can start with.

Everything works out for me.

I’m so lucky.

Or combine the two - I'm so lucky, everything always works out for me.

You can also take it one step further, as I did last year and after writing down your affirmations, make a voice recording of them. Play the voice recording every morning when you wake up while brushing your teeth, washing your face, etc. Anytime you feel less than lucky, including anxious or depressed, play the recording. Try playing it at night too.

I usually stick to playing mine in the morning, but will sometimes listen whenever I’m feeling more sad girl. And what started as a single 18-minute affirmation recording, specifically where I’m talking to myself from my ego nicknamed Julie, has turned into three separate affirmation recordings totaling more than 30 minutes. I try to be flexible and not pressure myself into listening to all of them every day unless I want to. But I always listen to at least one. Now I’ve even gotten to the point where I know what will be said, and I say it aloud at the same time, too.

If this type of brainwashing sounds strange or woo-woo, know you aren’t alone.

But living in 2023 and trying to recover from a collective dumpster fire of trauma, I say try whatever works!

Being positive like this first thing in the morning is incredibly helpful in many areas of my life. At first, it seemed a little weird, but now it’s another habit that seems to get my mind right, especially before the day starts.

Photo by Leo Wieling on Unsplash

So, I’m curious. Have you tried any of these Lucky Girl tips? Do you believe in affirmations? Do you know anyone who’s essentially lucky, and if so, what are they doing differently? Inquiring minds want to know, so leave be sure to leave your comment!